Discover your path to a brighter, more fulfilled career in Finance in 90 days

Optimize your job search to secure fulfilling jobs that fit their talents, passion, and aspirations without the hassle of massive applications.

Certified Career, Performance & Leadership Coach

Navigate your job search and career growth with confidence!

Do you feel fullfilled

at work?

Take this quick 10-question quiz to found out and learn how you can change this situation

You are tired of...

  • ... sending applications into online portal black holes and not getting any reply.

  • ... not receiving offers after multiple interviews.

  • ... feeling unsure about which roles best match your skills and experience.

  • ... feeling doubtfull and frustrated about your ability to reach your desired goal.

You are ready to...

  • ... work with a proven strategy to beat the systems.

  • ... ace your interviews with practice and expert guidance.

  • ... find the right Finance roles that align with your talents passions, and career aspirations.

  • ... overcome limiting beliefs holding you back and take actions with confidence.

I want to help you stop falling short on your deams, deliver on the promise that you made to yourself, and be in love with your career.

Gain the tools, insights and support to succesfully...

  • Identify roles that align with your skills and talents.

  • Craft standout resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile to increase visibility.

  • Develop effective networking strategies to build relationships that open doors.

  • Ace your interviews by showcasing your value and leaving lasting impression.

  • Negotiate higher salaries that compensate you fairly for your expertize

  • Excel in the first 90 days of your new role by making a powerful impact from day one.

"Aligning your goals with your passions, values, and identity can be the key to feeling fully engaged and unstoppable, or unfulfilled and unmotivated. Embrace them to discover your ideal job."

Guy Balan


1:1 Job Search Mastery

Get clarity on your goals, rediscover your strengths, overcome your weakness and get the necessary job

search support to secure your dream job

Group Leadership Workshops

Enhance eight (8) leadership skills necessary to

become the ideal leader and grow and

advance you career

Get In Touch

9100 S Dadeland Blvd, Miami, FL 33156, USA